Thursday, December 1, 2016

How to Install Games For IOS 7 0 in IOS 6 0 Or On Lower IOS

( TESTED WITH Dead Trigger 2 Successfully Installed on 6.0.0)

1. First u need a useable Brain and Eyes
2. A Computer that have Winrar Or 7zip
3. Download IPA ( For IOS 7):

EX: Dead Trigger 2, Infinity Blade3, etc
4. Open IPA

5. Find this file: Info.plist

6. Open the file Using Notepad++ ( Google it)

7. It will show nothing first time then back out and open it again.
8. Press Ctrl + F
9. Go to replace and replace all " 7.0" to " 6.0" or " 5.1.1"

10. Save the file and install it using Itunes or Itools.

Android Apk

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